
Friday, July 26, 2013

Things To Do While I'm Walking the Dog

Hector, the Wheaten terrier is an avid walker. He is ever so willing, a wonderful comrade for brisk walks, nature exploration, or slumbering neighborhood wanderings.

I have found that time spent walking him can be time double spent.

Here follows a list of things to do while walking the dog, with accompanying tips and warnings:

  • Compose beautiful melodies--I can make up the most amazing songs in my heads while walking, but without a Dictaphone it's impossible to remember the tunes once I am back at the house.
  •  Poetic lyrics--yes, they are also close at hand when I am out and my head keeps talking to me.
  • Read--important to keep an eye out for curbs, obstacles, traffic, and others out promenading
  • Exercise--obviously. Walking is great for the body and mind.
  • Nature observations--I am all for it. God's creations are truly magnificent.
  • Pray--quiet time outside walking is an excellent time to remember what I am grateful for.
  • Conversation--I am a clever conversationalist when I make up dialogues alone.
  • Sermons--Oh, the great sentences I can come up with when no one is listening.
  • Write books--my protagonist and other character comes to life. They speak, talk, perform. Scribble it all down.
  • Sleep--I have tried this with varying result. It works. The problem is that if you actually drift off completely, you will likely walk off the road and fall into the ditch.
  • Blog--like this one. Good ideas always pop up. Keep a notebook and pen handy.
  • Or simply be with Hector . . . which is why I went out for a walk in the first place.
Photos from walks with Hector. Did I mention bringing a camera on walks with the dog?

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