
Thursday, July 5, 2012

The idea worked!

This is proof that some ideas are actually working! The cages I built around our red currant bushes are discouraging the roe deers from eating the berries and breaking the branches of the young bushes in the garden.

Yesterday two of our beautiful four-legged neighbors came by and strolled through the garden of the Duck and Cherry. They sniffed the cages and walked on (to the neighbor next door, who does not have any berry bushes).

I should have a picture of what I saw on the other side of the house this morning though. A magpie was having breakfast in the wild cherry tree.

I like to share, but maybe the animals should learn to share with me too. Arnfinn shared his breakfast with Emma, 3 years old, this morning.

Our little granddaughter was all smiles. She chose a pink plate and enjoyed scrambled eggs and toast with raspberry jam with her grandfather.

Sharing is a good thing, though I am trying to preserve the little berry bushes to grow nice ripe berries to put in the freezer for our winter desserts.

The roe deers can have some berries if they ask nicely, but not break the new weak branches and stomp on the frail little bushes.

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